Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The day the music died

Unfortunately, Rochester radio has lost another member of its family.

92.5 - WBEE-FM's Morning Coffee Club Co-host Bill Coffey passed away on 12/6/2004 of an apparent heart attack.

Mornings will never be the same again, Bill. May you rest in peace.

[Ed. - edited to remove link]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it is NOT the same..... here we are, 4 months later, and I, for one, MISS BILL!! I feel for his fellow co-hosts, but I just don't enjoy their not-so-entertaining-anymore morning banter. I know it is hardest of all for them, and they're trying to fill the void, but I don't see much promise of that happening anytime soon. We've lost the soul of morning radio. We all miss our Coffey in the morning!